School in Lipa
Za vrijeme austro-ugarske vlasti, u zgradi muzeja, 13.4.1884. g. započela je s radom Pučka škola Lipa i to na hrvatskom jeziku. Zgradu je otkupio dr. Ivan Kalčić-Barela, rodom iz Lipe. Po završetku studija medicine u Beču, radio je kao vojni liječnik na austro-ugarskom dvoru i pukovnik u austro-ugarskoj vojsci. Financirao je uređenje škole i osnovao fond za prve besplatne udžbenike na hrvatskom jeziku.
Prvi učitelj bio je Ernest Jelušić a zatim Vinko Puharić. U školi je radio i Viktor Car Emin. Škola je na hrvatskom jeziku djelovala sve do 1923. g. kada su fašisti doveli talijansku učiteljicu a Vinka Puharića protjerali iz Lipe. Ukida se nastava na hrvatskom jeziku i uvodi nastava na talijanskom jeziku. Školski obveznici bila su djeca u dobi od 6 do 12 godina. Starija djeca su do 14-te godine dva sata tjedno polazila školu poznatu kao opetovnica. Nakon kapitulacije Italije 1943. g. škola je prestala s radom. Djeca od tada pohađaju partizansku školu a nakon oslobođenja otvorena je škola Rupa-Lipa koja i danas djeluje kao područna škola osnovne škole „Drago Gervais“ Brešca. |
During Austro-Hungarian ruling, Lipa got school in 1884 where classes were held in the Croatian language. The building, which was formally used as the post office, was bought from Austro-Hungarian court. It was bought by Ivan Kalčić(M.D.) who was from Lipa and who worked as a doctor in Austro-Hungarian army and on Austro-Hungarian court. He financed school’s equipping and founded the fund for the first free schoolbooks in the Croatian language.
The first teacher was Ernest Jelušić and then Vinko Puharić after him. Viktor Car Emin also worked in the school. Classes were held in the Croatian language till 1923 when fascists employed Italian teacher and banished Vinko Puharić out of Lipa. The Italian language was used in the school, as the Croatian language was banned. School children were from age 6 to 12. Older students attended classes known as “opetovnica” until they were 14 years old. After the capitulation of Italy in 1943, the school was closed. Children attended partisan school. After liberation, school Rupa-Lipa was opened and it still exists as an area-school of Primary school “Drago Gervais” from Brešca. |