The Museum and the Memorial
Spomen muzej se nalazi u samom središtu sela, u zgradi nekadašnje pučke škole. Službeno počinje s radom 01.03.1969. godine s namjerom da bude podsjetnik na ratne zločine i služi za edukaciju o miru i toleranciji. U muzeju je postavljena memorijalna zbirka “Lipa pamti” koja se većinom sastoji od fotografija koje su okupatorske snage same snimile prilikom razaranja sela. Zbirka predstavlja baštinu čitavog kraja te, između ostalog, služi upoznavanju njegova prirodnog i kulturnog bogatstva.
Uz muzej, memorijalno područje sačinjavaju i konzervirane ruševine spaljenih kuća te kompleks spomenika na mjestu stradanja stanovnika Lipe koji su živi spaljeni u kući na broju 20. Muzej prestaje s radom 1989. g. sve dok Općina Matulji 2011. godine nije osigurala sredstva za njegovu revitalizaciju kako bi se potaknuo razvoj lokalnog gospodarstva te unaprijedila kvaliteta života mještana čitavog područja. O zbirci trenutno brine Pomorski i povijesni muzej Hrvatskog primorja Rijeka. |
The museum is situated in the very center of the village, in the building which used to be elementary school. It was founded in 1969 as a constant reminder of war crimes. Today it is used for educational purposes when teaching and learning about peace and tolerance.
The museum houses the memorial collection “Lipa Remembers” which mainly consists of photographs taken by the occupying forces during the destruction of the village. The collection represents the heritage of the whole region and, among other things, it is used to present its natural and cultural variety. Besides the museum, the memorial consists of well preserved ruins of burned houses as well as the numerous tombstones in the house number 20, the actual place where inhabitants were burned alive. The museum was closed in 1989 till 2011 when the Municipality of Matulji funded its revitalization in order to enhance local economy and improve the quality of life for the inhabitants of the entire area. Maritime and History Museum of the Croatian Littoral is currently in charge of the collection. |
Fotogalerija Spomen muzeja i ruševina.
Photo gallery of the Memorial and the Museum.
Photo gallery of the Memorial and the Museum.